The jokes write themselves with this one, so I’m going to try to keep it as straight as possible: brewing with peas is an ancient tradition, going back at least 400 years in Britain, and it still takes place in Lithuania, the United States and Japan.

The earliest mention I have found for peas in beer is from Gervase Markham’s The English Housewife, published in London in 1615:
Now for the brewing of the best March Beer, you shall allow to a Hogshead thereof a quarter [eight bushels] of the best Malt well ground, then you shall take a Peck [a quarter of a bushel] of Pease, half a peck of Wheat, and half a peck of Oats and grind them all very well together, and then mix them with your Malt …
This, Markham said, would make “a Hogshead of the best and a Hogshead of the second, and half a Hogshead of small beer, without any augmentation of Hops or Malt.” Even though the hop rate was just a pound a barrel, the strong beer, brewed in March or April, “should (if it have right ) have a whole year to ripen in”, Markham said, and “it will last two, three, or four years if it lye cool; and endure the drawing to the last drop.” That is probably more down to the strength of the beer – at some five and a half bushels of fermentables per barrel, the alcohol per volume was quite likely north of 11 per cent – than any magic the peas brought to the brew.
A few words about the word “pea”, incidentally: it began as “pease”, singular, with “peasen” the plural. By the 15th century “pease” was often being used as both the singular and plural, and as a “mass noun”, like rice or malt. Eventually , by the 17th century, “pease” was misanalysed as the plural of a singular “pea”. “Pease” and “peasen” survive today only in “pease pudding” and in place names such as Peasenhall in Suffolk.
The peas could be malted, and so could beans, vetch and even lupins, though Markham seems to have been talking about unmalted varieties, since he said elsewhere in The English Housewife:
Now I do not deny, but there may be made malt of wheat, peas, lupins, vetches, and such like, yet it is with us of no retained custom, not is the drink simply drawn or extracted from those grains either wholesome or pleasant, but strong and fulsome; therefore I think it not fit to spend any time in treating of the same.
“Fulsome” was being used there in the sense of “offensive”. Bitter vetch, Vicia ervilia, is a legume with, as you’ve guessed from its name, bitter-tasting, lentil-like seeds, grown today for feeding to sheep or cattle and now only rarely consumed by humans.
However, an informant called “RT”, from Derby then one of the malting centres of England, was recorded in 1683 as saying:
I have known pease and beans malted frequently, and many ale brewers desire some in their malted barley, because they make the liquor in working bear a better yeast, or barm, as here we call it; and certainly, being mixed in a good quantity with other malt, they make very strong liquor, which, as I am well informed, is apt to intoxicate and heat the stomach exceedingly.
Peas and beans, as Markham indicated, were not the only legumes made into ale or beer. Thomas Short, MD, writing in 1750 on “malt liquors” (the catch-all for hopped beer and unhopped, or lightly hopped ale in the 18th century) in a book called Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Milk, Made-wines, Spirits, Punch, Tobacco, &c, with Plain and Useful Rules for Gouty People , said:
Malt Liquors differ in respect of the Grain whereof they are made. Thus Pease, Beans, French Beans, Chick Pease &c afford a more tenacious, heavy Liquor, and such as requires a stronger Constitution to digest them, Wheat and Barley produce more nourishing and strengthening Liquors, seeing their Parts are more separable, and sooner reduced to a wholesome Spirit. Oats yield a more detersive kind of Drink, which is less viscid, has more earthy Parts, and a smaller Quantity of Oil in it.
Another writer in 1733 mentions malt made of “Barley, Pease, Beans, Oats, Vetches, Buck-Wheat, or whatsoever else is cheapest”.
According to Richard Bradley, author of The Country Housewife and Lady’s Director, published in 1732,
“Wheat-malt, Pea-malt, or these mix’d with Barley-malt, tho’ they produce a high-colour’d Liquor, will keep many Years, and drink soft and smooth; but then they have the Mum-Flavour.
– mum being the heavily herbed wheat beer originally made in Brunswick.
Four years later, William Ellis, in The London and Country Brewer, wrote
Some I have known put a Peck or more of Peas, and malt them with five Quarters of Barley, and they’ll greatly mellow the Drink, and so will Beans; but they won’t come so soon, nor mix so conveniently with the Malt, as the Pea will.
Ellis also recommended that when ageing “Stout or Stale Beer”, brewers should use an “Artificial Lee” for the beer to feed on, and while some hung a bag of wheat flour in the cask for this purpose,
… some in the North will hang a Bag of the Flower of malted Oats, Wheat, Pease and Beans in the Vessels of Beer, as being a lighter and mellower Body than whole Wheat or its Flower, and more natural to the Liquor.
He gives a recipe for a hogshead of October Beer from Lichfield, in Staffordshire which involves
sixteen Bushels of Barley Malt, one of Wheat, one of Beans, one of Pease and one of Oat Malt, besides hanging a Bag of Flower taken out of the last four Malts in the Hogshead for the Drink to feed on
which must have been an unbelievable original gravity, at more than 13 bushels of malt and malted pulses to the barrel. (Allsopp’s No 1 Burton Ale, OG 1122, abv 10.31, had only 4.5 bushels to the barrel)
It wasn’t only brewers who were making alcohol from peas and beans: distillers were, too, at least in Ireland. In 1758 the Irish parliament passed an Act “to prevent the distilling of spirits from wheat, oats, bear, barley, malt, beans and pease or from any potatoes, meal, or flour of wheat, oats, bear, barley, malt beans or pease, for a limited time”. (“Bear” is bere, the coarse variety of barley still grown in Scotland). Pea whiskey, anyone? OK – in 1708 a book called The Whole Art of Husbandry said that “out of one Bushel of Pease will come of Spirit at least two Gallons or more, which will be as strong as the strongest Anniseed-water usually sold in London,” and explained how to make it:
Let Pease be taken and steeped in as much water as will cover them, ’till they come and swell, and be order’d as Barley is for malting, only with this difference, that for this Work if they sprout twice as much as Barley doth for malting ’tis the better. The Pease thus sprouted, if beaten small, which is easily done, they being so tender, and put into a Vessel stopt with a Bung and Rag as usual, they will ferment, and after three or four Months, if distilled, will really perform what is promised.
In 1794 a book called An Agricultural Dictionary consisting of Extracts from the most celebrated Authors and Papers recommended “pease malted after the manner of barley” as food for horses. But the references to peas, malted or otherwise, for brewing continue into the 19th century. In 1839 the author of A statistical account of the British Empire, talking about malting in Great Britain, said: “Barley is the grain generally used, but oats, and other grain and pulse, viz beans and peas, are sometimes used for the purpose.”
Samuel Morewood’s Philosophical and statistical history of … the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors in 1838 revealed that “owing to their fermentive properties”, distillers “frequently” used “the meal of peas beans and oats” in making their bub, a mixture of meal and yeast with warm wort and water, used to promote fermentation. Morewood also said that in Georgia, bouza – a common word for fermented millet/grain-based drinks across the Ottoman-influenced word, apparently from Turkish, and not connected with the word “booze” – was “made from peas, which is the common basis of it in that country.”
Even the pea pods were used to brew with in the United States. A book called Five Thousand Receipts In All the Useful and Domestic Arts, by Colin MacKenzie, published in Philadelphia in 1825, declared: “No production of this country abounds so much with vegetable saccharine matter as the shells of peas. A strong decoction of them so much in odour and taste an infusion of malt, termed wort, as to deceive a brewer.” The book gave the following recipe:
To make beer and ale from pea shells instead of malt
Fill a boiler with the green shells of peas; pour on water till it rises half an inch above the shells, and simmer for three hours, strain off the liquor and add a strong decoction of wood sage or hops, so as to render it pleasantly bitter; then ferment in the usual manner. By boiling a fresh quantity of shells in the decoction before it becomes cold, the liquor when fermented will be as strong as ale.
After 1839, however, references in Britain to peas being used in brewing seem to vanish. It had been illegal for commercial brewers in the United Kingdom to brew with anything other than malted barley as their source of wort since the malt tax was introduced in the time of William IV III at the end of the 17th century. Suggestions for using peas, in the 18th century, therefore, were aimed at the (still considerable) domestic brewing sector. For whatever reason, however – I wouldn’t wish to speculate – pea beer looks to have nosedived in popularity in the UK from the start of the 19th century.
It does not seem to have vanished elsewhere, however. In 1995 Michael Jackson found beer brewed with peas being made in Lithuania. The Ragutis (“Drinking Horn”) brewery in the city of Kaunas brewed a pale bronze lager called Širvenos, after the district in northern Lithuanian famous for brewing Pea Beer, about 4.2 per cent abv, with 15 per cent or so of the grist being green peas. The brewery director told Jackson that the protein in the peas helped head retention, and that they created a “thicker body” and “richer flavour”. Ragutis is now called Volfas Engelman, and no longer brewing Pea Beer, I believe. But beer with peas in the grist is still, a reliable source (the Norwegian beer blogger Lars Marius Garshol) tells me, being made in Lithuania: the Biržai brewery in the city of Biržai, which is actually in Širvenos, Land of Pea Beer.
At least one small brewery in the UK, Nottingham Brewery, picked up the Pea Beer baton in the 21st century when it made a “mushy pea” beer, a special for the 2001 Nottingham Camra Beer Festival. The beer was given the name “Double Jeopardy”, because if the beer didn’t get you, “the peas would”. The man behind the beer, Steve Westerby Westby, the beer festival’s cellarman said afterwards:
“Philip Darby [the brewery’s managing director] thought it would be a good idea if I came in and helped brew a special beer for the festival. I was keen to have a go but wanted the beer to be something a bit different. Now, there is nothing more that reflects the taste of Nottingham than mushy peas and mint sauce, which are traditionally sold at the annual Goose Fair each October. So I thought, why not brew a mushy pea beer? I put it to Philip and he thought it might work, although Niven [Balfour, head brewer], who undertakes much of the actual brewing work, had to be convinced.
“I went into the brewery to help with the brew one Sunday 11 days before the festival. We decided it should be a 4.2 per cent golden-coloured ale and it was to be brewed in the conventional way but with some mushy peas added in the mash, and, later, further peas added to the copper at the same time as the hops. We used 5 boxes of peas on each occasion, they were not pre-soaked as we felt that the brewing process would achieve this.
“The brew went well except that the residue of the peas clogged up the filter on the copper and it took Niven about five hours to transfer the wort into the fermenter instead of the usual 20 minutes. If you wish to suggest to Niven that he should brew a further batch of the beer, be sure to be wearing a cricket box for your own safety!”
Nottingham Brewery does not, indeed, appear to have repeated that experiment.
Today Bear Republic Brewing in California makes an “English Estate October Ale” it calls “Clobberskull”, with 10 per cent raw wheat and 10 per cent split peas, aged for 100 days in French oak barrels to end up with a golden colour and an abv of 10 per cent, which actually might be fairly authentic for an 18th-century-style ale made in the household brewery at a country home like Downton Abbey.
The only other country, as far as I am aware, making beer from peas is Japan – and entirely because of that country’s peculiar tax system than any heritage. Beer with less than 25 per cent malt is in a lower tax band, and Sapporo makes at least two beers, Draft One and Slims, using peas.
If anybody has any experience of brewing with peas, or drinking pea beer, I’d be delighted to hear from you: do leave a comment.
One warning: there is an alleged recipe for 18th-century “Welsh Fruited Table Ale” floating around on the interwebs which is supposed to come from a book by someone called R.K. Sykes called Instructions for Thrifty Ale Wives, published in 1797, and which has four pounds of beans in the grist, along with 20 pounds of malt, eight pounds of oats, elderberries, a “pin” of cut and crushed pears and flavourings that included betony, avens, burnet, alecost and fir rinds. It’s a total fake. R.K. Sykes and the Instructions for Thrifty Ale Wives sprang from the foetid imagination of someone calling themselves “Adam Larsen”, who said they were from the Faroe Islands, and who appeared on the Usenet group hist-brewing in 2000.
“Adam Larsen” claimed to have friends on the Isle of Man, Gotland (in the Baltic), and the Faroes, who provided him with old brewing recipes. I was writing Beer: The Story of the Pint at the time, and “Larsen” told me that “a friend” called “Filby” had a book called The Contented Home, originally written in 1728 by someone called J. Telsford-Ash from Essex, who lived from 1682 to 1731, and subsequently reprinted by the Reverend Cuthbert Ash of Essex in 1887, which contained a recipe for strong porter that included “blown” or snap malt, treacle, “Spanish juice” (liquorish), lavender and yarrow.
If this was genuine, it would be easily the earliest verifiable recipe for porter. Unfortunately, neither the British Library nor any other library, anywhere on the planet, has a record of a book called The Contented Home by an author called Ash, or Telsford-Ash. Nor does the Reverend Cuthbert Ash appear anywhere on the web. I sent several emails to “Adam Larsen” asking if his friend could supply scans or photographs of the book’s title-page and the page or pages with the recipe on. First he was evasive, them he simply failed to answer, and at the same time his postings to hist-brewing ceased.
It was clear that “Adam Larsen” might have enjoyed, as he claimed, recreating beers from old recipes, but he also enjoyed sitting under bridges waiting for billy-goats to pass by. Nothing he told me that was claimed to be unique information uncovered by him or his contacts could be verified: his contacts did not seem to exist; he did not seem to exist, as far as the Web was concerned, outside of his postings to hist-brewing, and even in 2001 it was hard to be completely invisible to the internet.
What thrill he received from fooling people with his postings, passing himself off as deeply knowledgeable about early brewing with fake sources and fake recipes, is beyond my imagination. He wasn’t actually that good at faking his sources: the Instructions for Thrifty Ale Wives is an anachronistic use of ale-wife for 1797, the English in the “extracts” that “Larsen” posted is nothing like 18th century English in its constructions and vocabulary, and the instructions allegedly by Sykes for “Welsh Fruited Table Ale” include, at one point, a direction to draw the wort off “into a coolship” – a word never, ever used by British brewers, only by Continental and American ones.
Clearly “Adam Larsen” was taking the pease.
Really enjoyed this – helped by the fact that I read OATS for CATS!
Great post, I will try brewing with pea in the grist some time… I’ll drop u a line when I do.
so we are talking dried peas here, like the ones my mum uses in soup or was there a mix of fresh/green peas too? There is such a wide range of peas available, just trying to get an idea of what kind of pea fits the purpose best? I’ve usually got a bag of frozen peas in the freezer, I guess they couldnt do any harm in the mash 🙂
Basically it’s fermentable material you’re looking for, so you want (a) raw peas you’re going to treat the same as you would putting raw barley in your mash, where you’re looking for the excess enzymes in your malted barley to work on the pea starch to turn it to sugar, or (b) peas that have started to sprout – ie malted peas – where the pea’s own enzymes have started to turn the pea starch to sugar.
so just like adding any other unmalted grains to a mash, oh and I’ll skip the frozen peas.
Also Martyn I need to thank you for some recipe advice you gave me on an Australian Ale/barley wine a while back. The beer now over 12 months old got a medal in the Victorian state Home Brew Comp (in Australia) and is now off to the National comp. Cheers again
Delighted – congratulations and good luck!
Reporting back in that I got second place in Strong Ale at the Australian Amateur Brewing Competition with my Australian Ale/Barley Wine inspired by your blog, it scored a 132, (third highest score in the comp). Thanks for the inspiration and advice.
Excellent! Delighted to hear it, and many congratulations.
I just read how to make pea beer in the 1800 Farms Almanac of Greensburg, Pa. It seems to indicate but not say [due to the color of the beer] that the pea hulls should have browned as the recipe states the finished beer will be amber in color like the finest whiskey and taste of the same. Pour six gallons of water on a bushel of pea hulls, boil until suited to taste; cool, pour off and save the water. Add to it a pint of yeast and two ounces of powdered ginger. Let ferme nt. When done a fine, sweet, clear dark beer will be the result. It says it is superior to mead and as good as the finest ale although it is pungent to the taste as whiskey.
“the malt tax was introduced in the time of William IV at the end of the 17th century”
If it was at the end of the 17th century, it must have been William III.
Good spot. That’s who I meant. Thank you – corrected.
I actually tried the mushy pea beer , quite liked it!
BTW, it’s Steve Westby not Steve Westerby,.the same man who recently organised the Robin Hood Beer Festival with over 1000 different real ales available.
Thank you – that’s corrected too
[…] at least they used to. Check out this post at Martyn Cornell’s blog. Cornell, of course, is the author of the excellent Amber Gold and […]
Another great article, Martyn. Chicago prohibition beer, brewed in a brewery supposedly owned by Al Capone, reputedly had 6% soy grits. See
Sorry to hear about “Adam Larsen.” I was taken in by him and his many seemingly knowledgeable posts on HBD. I checked my old email and see that I had corresponded with him a half dozen times or so. Looking a little more critically at these I can see signs of blarney. I wonder if there was any truth to “shaving ale” and other supposed facts. You do wonder what kind of kicks he got from this.
That’s interesting: god knows what went into those “needle” beers and the like.
Adam Larsen – yes, he (and I think we can probably assume it WAS a he) obviously knew enough to sound convincing, but once you start looking sceptically at the sources he was claiming to have, it begins to not sound right. When I first began corresponding with him I hadn’t read that many old brewing books: now I’ve read a lot more, I’m better aware of the sort of language they use. So if THAT comes across as false, and there appear to be no other references anywhere to those books and those authors, then alarm bells ring.
[…] at least they used to. Check out this post at Martyn Cornell’s blog. Cornell, of course, is the author of the excellent Amber Gold and […]
lol i thought you meant um never mind its not
Dear Martyn,
Thank you very much for this article, which introduced me to your brilliant beer writing.
I’m writing from Yokohama, where I’m studying Japanese (when I’m not spending time reading English-language articles on the Internet), and I’m currently working on a presentation on happōshu 発泡酒 and happōsei 発泡性, the Japanese categories of low- and no-malt quasi-beers, respectively. I say quasi-beers, as technically under Japanese tax law, only fermented beverages that use at least 2/3 malted barley are considered to be beer. I’ve heard that, due to this, certain American macros (which you don’t see here very often) are not allowed to use the word “beer” on their labeling due to their high use of adjuncts.
Thus, when you write that “Sapporo makes at least two beers … using peas,” you are certainly right in the general sense of “beer” as a beverage fermented from grains (and legumes?), here these malt-free beer-flavoured beverages are typically called “the third beer” (daisan biiru 第三ビール), to distinguish them from beer and low-malt beer (happōshu, literally “sparkling alcohol”). It seems that Sapporo, at least, malts their peas for Draft One, etc., which produces a proteolytic enzyme for the mash:
Interestingly enough, Sapporo also produces a “100% barley” malt-free beer called Mugi to Hoppu (“Grain & Hops”), as it is flavoured with unmalted barley and get their kick from the addition of distilled barley spirits!
Anyway, just wanted to add some of my findings to your terrific research.
I just brewed pale beer with peas, almost 25% of grist. What I found different is the water absorption by grain bed was enormous, like 1,7 ltr/kg (normal is just above 1 ltr/kg). First I gelatinized peas by boiling it for about 60 mins then there was German style hochkurz mash with 20 mins protein rest. Massive hot break but otherwise everything went normal.
We’ve been drinking from ’40’s beer glasses decorated with the word for beer in other languages. The one that puzzles us is “lims”. Can you help?
Never heard of that one, I’m afraid.
[…] a combination of sorghum and peas. (That’s not quite as weird as it sounds; thirsty people have tossed peas into beer for centuries.) The release is assembled from just three casks—a charred white oak cask, a […]
[…] a combination of sorghum and peas. (That’s not quite as weird as it sounds; thirsty people have tossed peas into beer for centuries.) The release is assembled from just three casks—a charred white oak cask, a […]