The micropub movement – numbers now past 40 and rising, with new examples seemingly opening every week – seems to have avoided any sort of critical backlash so far, probably because it’s still very, very tiny (like the pubs themselves). But I fear it won’t be long before a definition of “micropub” appears based on a TripAdvisor review of the “original” micropub, the Butcher’s Arms in Herne, Kent: “Five grumpy old men in a 10ft square space”.
I say this as a card-carrying member of the Grumpy Old Man demographic myself, but that is the surprising aspect of the micropub “mini-boom” – it turns on its head every recently received wisdom about the way forward for the British pub, about how the wet-led boozer catering for old gits who are only interested in pints and chat is on its Last Orders, about how those pubs which fail to gastro-reinvent themselves are doomed to end up as supermarkets or blocks of flats.
The facts are, sadly, there to show that, across the board, places that stick to “LADs” – long alcoholic drinks – as their main attraction are putting up the shutters. It’s not just pubs: between December 2012 and December 2013, the number of social clubs in Britain fell by 417, or 3.1 per cent, a closure rate of eight a week (and with no help or hindrance from the pubcos, you’ll notice: you do NOT have to be a pubco tenants to find the current climate extremely chilly. ). But pubs are suffering, of course: over the same period, “wet-led” or drinkers’ pubs fell by almost 600, or 2 per cent, a rate of just over 11 a week. Many of those were town centre pubs, which are particularly feeling pain. Food-led pubs, meanwhile, nudged up slightly, from 11,334 to 11,357, while restaurants shot ahead, with a net gain for the year of 1,470 outlets. In other words, for every wet-led pub that closes, two and a half new restaurants open. That trend looks set to accelerate: between now and 2018 it has been predicted that the number of “wet-led” pubs will fall by 10 per cent, or about 2,900 boozers, while food-led pubs will increase in numbers by 7 per cent and restaurants by 5 per cent. (All figures from CGA Peach.)
Now, all the micropubs in Britain added together right now still don’t beat one month’s “wet-led” pub closures. But since a micropub – food-free, no keg offering, the sort of beer-only alehouse that was already disappearing before the Second World War, typically filled with unaccompanied men over 50, often in or near town centres – is a reversal of everything else happening in the pub market right now, we may eventually have to ask: “Is this just a few hobbyists, or have the big pub operators actually missed a trick?”
Indeed, the micropub movement looks to have produced its first home-grown entrepreneur, with James Mansfield, owner of the Medieval Beers brewery in Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire, opening a third micropub under the name “Beer Shack”, in the town that shares his name, to follow the first two Beer Shacks in Hucknall and Burnley respectively.
Could this be the sign that micropubs are moving from what could, even a few months ago, be dismissed as an eccentric hobby into the mainstream of British hospitality? There are, apparently, so many people now looking to open a micropub themselves that the Micropub Association has declared that “the micropub revolution is going bonkers”, and put a warning on its website that “due to the sheer numbers of enquiries we get from potential micropub owners, we are unable to give you any individual advice [or] enter into individual email discussions regarding the viability of the setting up of your micropub.”
The Association has just restated its definition of what a micropub is, moving from a declaration that it had to be small, in size, a conversion of an existing premises, primarily selling real ale, with “NO lager whatsoever”, and filled with “lively banter and chat with no music”. Today the Association says that “a micropub is a small freehouse which listens to its customers, mainly serves cask ales, promotes conversation, shuns all forms of electronic entertainment and dabbles in traditional pub snacks.”
Is the micropub as a route to running your own pub business a threat to the traditional pubco tenancy? As the Micropub Association’s website points out, the would-be micropub landlord has a fair number of advantages over those looking to start up a “traditional” pub. The small size of a micropub means low costs and maximum use of space; no music means no costly music licences and no expensive sound system to pay for; no food means less work, fewer skills required, less space needed, no hygiene exams to pass, no additional costs because of the potentially expensive oversight by environmental health officials, and no “scores on the doors” rigmarole to deal with; no keg lagers or other keg beers means no complicated equipment and no need for bar space; the potential for low rates due to being rated as a shop rather than a pub; from that, low water rates, which are traditionally based on the rateable value; and if you keep turnover below £75,000 a year, the chance to save on 20% VAT. What’s not to like?
We won’t, I don’t think, be able to tell if the micropub movement really is a revolution or a fad until micropub numbers get into at least low triple figures, and we don’t see a rash of closures. But the fact that the movement has gone from a very slow start – the Butcher’s Arms opened in 2005, there were no more micropubs until 2009 and still only a dozen by the end of 2012 – to what looks like a (still small) rocket surge suggests that something extremely interesting may be happening.
How will it affect the rest of the pub business if micropubs really do become mainstream? Well, it could certainly cut back on the number of people looking to run a pubco tenanted pub, if they think they can start up a micropub all of their own for, probably, less money than acquiring a tenancy would cost. But a pub that takes in a year what the average JD Wetherspoon outlet takes in a fortnight is probably not going to worry too many big operators. And the big operators – and most other pubs – probably won’t be losing much business to the micropubs anyway, since the customers micropubs seem to be attracting look to be those who stopped going out to “ordinary” pubs 20 years ago, and stayed at home instead.
On the other hand, since the micropubs seem to be proving that there is a demographic out there which is not currently being served properly by the “mainstream” pub industry, and since new business is always welcome, it may be that big operators start to consider the advantages of running micropubs themselves. In just the way that Tesco, having captured the “big destination shop” supermarket sector, moved into town centres with smaller Tesco Metro stores to mop up what remained, could we see someone like Wetherspoon, having captured so many high streets, decide to move into the suburbs with a chain of “Spoons Local” micropubs?
(A variation of this article appeared on the Propel Info site)
I have to say I quite like the idea of micropubs, but I have to be rather sceptical of the claims that they will take the pub world by storm when they basically represent the kind of basic, no-frills, drink-and-chat outlet that has suffered so severely over the past couple of decades. But maybe there is a market out there for pubs that put conversation ahead of food, kids and Sky Sports.
Hmm, the review you refer to is a fairly long and quite interesting one.
I feel I have to reply to your generalisation that the customers are those that “stopped going out to “ordinary” pubs 20 years ago, and stayed at home instead.” I’ve got 2 micropubs close by and the customers don’t fit that profile. If anything, they’re the opposite. They’re either card arrying CAMRA members or CAMRA friendly types who still go to the pub a lot and drink a disproportinate amount of real ale. Actually a bit like me but older with more time on their hands
Wetherspoons is their usual preferred drinking option as it delivers a choice of beers at a good price. The micropubs compete on price but actually offer a better choice on the beer front. The no frills bit isn’t really an issue; true, loud music and gaming machines aren’t popular, but they’re not bothered if it sells lager or not and Sky Sports would actually be welcomed by some. Of course, Spoons won’t be losing any sleep over their defection just yet. But that’s probably what the pubcos thought when Spoons started!
Is there any thought that the customers currently being served by the micropubs are the exact same customers that weren’t quite enough custom to keep a regular pub afloat.
Its not a case of something new, its a case of a big pub being replaced by a smaller pub.
Nice article, and good to see some balance. I’m undecided on them myself yet – the main reason being that I simply haven’t visited one! MP’s certainly garner the headlines though – usually for all the ‘cost’ and efficiency reasons that you point out rather – positioned as an alternative to the previous models of pub ownership – rather than the service, quality of beer or success of the business itself. Which is why I’m undecided – are they just a cheaper option to run your own drinking den? I must really visit one.
Time you popped into one Leigh you will always be welcome and in all the ones I’ve been in you will get quality and choice you don’t generally get in the average pub co establishment. Go on make the effort and become informed. Cheers A biased Ian from Chequers Micro Beverley.
I love the idea that an industry that is down scaling to the point of becoming a cottage industry can from a different perspective be an exciting boom. When these old codgers start to die off it will it downscale again into an exciting boom in nano pubs?
At least there is no lager and the types what drink it, I guess.
[…] and bars take the long road? It might partly explain why restaurants are currently outpacing pubs. Martyn Cornell recently highlighted figures from CGA Peach on the growth of restaurants against the decline of […]
I run the Ales of the Unexpected micropub in Thanet and I do believe micropubs will survive and indeed flourish.What micrcopubs offer is an alternative to conventional pubs.Most dont serve lager,spirits,or have a jukebox,tv or other distractions.Conversation is king.Now this doesnt appeal to everyone and micropubs do indeed exclude a lot of people but thats the whole point of them,after all Indian restaurants exclude people who dont eat Indian food so when you go out if you dont eat Indian you have to go elsewhere.I have been asked to do spirits and lager but I won’t.After all you wouldn’t go into an Indian restaurant and ask them to make a chicken chow mein so what micropubs offer is somewhere else people can go.